Have you run out of labels and need a top up? Well we have just what you need for your back to school stationery needs. This super stationary pack is stacked full of pen and pencil labels, multi-purpose, book and micro labels! We have even thrown in a bag tag perfect for pencil bags and book bags. Please note that this pack does Not contain clothing labels nor shoe labels.
This pack consists of 296 labels and has 5 different types.
- 102 Wrap-around pen & pencil labels
- 65 Multi-purpose labels
- 80 Micro labels
- 48 Book labels
- 1 Bag tag
- Wrap-around Pen & Pencil Labels: These are ideal for most types of stationery such as: pens, pencils, roll ups, kokis, Tipex pens, paint brushes and pencil crayons.
- Multi-purpose Vinyl Labels: These are ideal for general labelling such as for: lunch boxes, juice bottles, pencil boxes, sports equipment, glue sticks, rulers, highlighters, staplers, calculators and laptops.
- Micro Labels: . These are ideal for smaller items that have a flat surface such as: Flash disks, scissors, sharpeners, erasers, Tipex, cell phones, watches and much more.
- Book Labels: These are ideal for items such as: diaries, files, exercise books, text books, flip files, exam pads and much more.
- Bag Tag: These are ideal for bags such as: school bags, sports bags and travel bags.
Please see the individual items to view their instructions and characteristics.